My dream
I find myself dreaming again. This time, it is about a man named Rutger.
Rutger is a huge guy, strong and on the rough side. Growing up in a broken family, drugs was easily available from the time that he was 15 years old. He was not much older when he began dealing. Making money was easy and quick; he knew how to move in that world. Woman were also part of the same game. Rutger did everything God forbid – these are Rutger’s very own words, and he speaks with a little smile.
Things changed…
Rutger got caught. He was arrested with a couple of Kg’s of drugs and he shortly found himself in jail. 4 walls was all he had. His fast pace life came to a halt and slowly he began to think he was crazy. Friends seem to lose interest in him. He felt left alone. A couple of times every week a couple of people – Christians –- came to visit the prison. They had time and attention. Harmen, one of the people that came to visit every week, made contact with Rutger and started some conversations.
Questions to Chapter 14
- What is your dream?
- Did your dream (from chapter 8) change? Why or why not?
- What would your dream look like if you had to capture it in a drawing / picture?